Employment law

California Employment law

You pay nothing unless we win.

Universal Law Firm understands how employees feel when poorly treated by their employers.

If you were wrongfully terminated, discriminated or retaliation against contact us online or call us today at 310-709-2488 for a free, no-obligation consultation.

You pay nothing unless we win.

What To Do If You Were Injured In A Los Angeles Car Accident

After a car accident, your top priorities should be the following:

  1. Securing the best healthcare possible to ensure your recovery from the resulting injuries.
  2. Recovering an appropriate amount of money to cover your resulting losses, i.e., medical costs, loss of income, and pain and suffering.

Your doctors and your lawyer are responsible for representing you and helping you achieve these goals. Our firm recommends doing the following after an accident:

Undiagnosed and untreated, car accident injuries carry the threat of becoming long-term or permanent. For this reason, you must see a physician immediately following your accident in Los Angeles. The sooner you see a doctor, the quicker he can assess and diagnose your injuries and prevent further damage. Taking this step as soon as possible following the accident serves the dual purpose of convincing a jury that your injuries resulted from the accident, improving the overall outcome of your legal proceedings. Do not defer treatment just because you are uninsured – Our firm works with doctors that will not charge you until your case settles.

    Contact Us Today For A Free Consultation.