How Long Do I Have to File a Lawsuit in California?

In most cases, you have up to two years to file a lawsuit after a personal injury accident in California. This deadline is known as the statute of limitations. If you fail to file timely, the court could dismiss your case, and you would be entitled to collect nothing for your damages. Certain kinds of personal injury cases, such as medical malpractice, have different deadlines. You should not assume the two-year rule is absolute without first speaking with a skilled personal injury attorney.

Can I Still Collect Money If I’m Partially at Fault?
In California, you can still collect compensation for your damages if you are partially at fault. In fact, you can still collect damages if you are primarily at fault in a personal injury accident. California follows what’s known as the pure comparative theory of negligence. That means even if you are 99% at fault, you could still collect something. However, your compensation will be reduced by your percentage of fault. If you are 99% at fault, you will only collect 1% while the other party could get 99% of their damages reimbursed from your insurance company.
Is There a Reason a California Personal Injury Attorney Won’t Take My Case?

Yes, there may be one or more reasons an attorney will decline to take your case. For one, if you missed the statute of limitations, there may be nothing that an attorney can do for you. If your injuries aren’t severe enough, the accident didn’t occur in California, or you have unrealistic views about your case value, an attorney might decline your case as well. Even though California allows you to collect compensation when you are primarily at fault, attorneys may not be willing to take on your case.

What Is an Average Settlement Amount for a Case Like Mine?

Prospective clients always want to know what the average case settles for. No two cases are alike, which is why it’s impossible to set a figure that represents a median settlement number. When you meet with our office, we will review your case and tell you what we think your individual case is worth. Your case may ultimately end up settling for more, but we will always be honest about what we perceive your case value to be.

The insurance company said I don’t need an attorney—is that true?

It is important to remember that your interests and the interests of the insurance company are not the same. While it is illegal for a non-attorney, such as an insurance adjuster, to provide legal advice, they often do, and it usually is not very sound. You should always seek an opinion from a personal injury lawyer to get an unbiased legal opinion regarding your case and your rights. At Amir Faraz Law Personal we provide free, no risk case consultations to injured persons and their families.

Will the information I share with you be confidential?
Yes. The information you share with us is protected by the attorney-client privilege and will remain confidential. This protection will apply even when our legal representation terminates or if you do not retain our firm. Because your communications with us are privileged, it is important that you make full disclosure of all pertinent facts with respect to your personal injury claim (such as prior injuries) so that we can fully access your case. This is further important so the defense does not catch us by surprise in the middle of representation, which could be detrimental to your case.
Do I have to pay for my initial meeting with Universal Law Firm Personal Injury Lawyer?

No! At Universal Law Firm, APC we never charge clients for consultations. If you feel you have a potential claim, please call our office at 310-709-2488 to set up your free consultation and case evaluation.